As Last FM more recently, the radio online Pandora marked the life of many internautas for there.
Now, the box of Pandora could again be opened in the Lívio radio Radio.With 23,5 per 13,5 for 14 centimeters, the device is capable to twirl music direct of this radio online saw Wi-Fi. The fact, however, does not annul to the nostalgic charmoso and design of the radios of old.Who already heard the Pandora will not have problems to understand the system. It is necessary to register an account by means of the same Lívio Radio, to choose its preferred artist e, during the reproduction of musics, to indicate those that liked or not.It already is being vendido in the site of the manufacturer for the price of 199,99 dollars.
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radio online Pandora
The new earphone of Sony Ericsson wants to revolutionize
its skill to hear music. For this, recognition of some gestures. E they seem well practical.
She repairs in the praticidade: placing the two phones in the ear, music automatically starts to touch. Taking off one of the phones, player pause. But as this it is possible? It counts on a system of recognition of contact with the body.
The phones already are for sale for 39 euros. E there, goes to want to still more facilitate its life in the hour to hear music?
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Phone of Sony Ericsson
The line of smartphones of the HP finishes to earn plus a youngling, iPAQ Glisten, that if mooring cable in Windows Mobile 6.5.
With screen of AMOLED of 2,5 counts, new smartphone loads camera of 3,1 MP, 256 MB of memory (that microSD can be extended to way) and a keyboard QWERTY.
It comes with technology A-GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and an entrance for earphones of 3,5 millimeters. In accordance with the manufacturer, iPAQ Glisten must arrive at the market of the United States in the next months for the price to 179,99 dollars, more the price of the plan of at&T operator.
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iPAQ Glisten
Samsung launches in the Brazilian market a new manufactured hard disk line with materials that do not attack the environment. The HDs external with storage of 1 Terabyte and 1,5 Terabyte excuses to use d

and lead and other heavy substances.
The two devices are part of the Story
family, and material used in the production of the cabinets is the aluminum, what it helps in the waste of the provoked heat. The products are made in accordance with the ambient parameters of the RoHS.
The launchings still count on AutoBackup, SafetyKey - makes backup of the passwords - and SecretZone, that protects information in a virtual unit. The price of the model of 1 TB is of R$ 469, whereas the version of 1,5 TB will be vendida by R$ 599.
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5 Terabyte,
external HD of 1
Apple estreou this week plus a service for loving of
music in the
virtual store iTunes. The company now

disponibiliza download of
shows of diverse artists of the producer Live Nation.
The new service, however, is not gratuitous.
The presentations of Ziggy Marley, Saving Abel and Jesse McCartney, for example, will cost US$ 7,99 at least. At the moment, then available about 20 shows, but the producer intends to extend this number in the next year.
The partnership between the companies promises more than, since the Live Nation approximately produces 20 a thousand shows during all the year, with 1,600 different artists.
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It is difficult to admit. But it is fact: our adorable electronic brinquedinhos are, yes, villainous pentelhos of the environment. As (obviously) of the one
not to exclude them of our life, the skill is to try to minimize this effect. The Power Smart Tower, of iGo, is a good tool for this. It cuts, in the taking, the energy of gadgets vampires.
For gadgets vampires understand those that continue sucking energy, exactly when do not need more than it. E those enter all here that are in way stand by. Thus, to each 30 minutes the Power Smart Tower makes sweepings in the net to check if on devices it really lack of energy.
If not to need, automatically it binds the Green way and it pauses the electron release for the bichinhos. Half hour later, makes new monitoramento and, if some to need, reactive it the energy feeding.
The device of 9,9 for 6,1 for 29,2 centimeters packs eight taking and two doors USB to load its gadgets. It already is being vendido in the site of iGo for the price of 79,99 dollars.
While you read this post, representatives of more than 190 countries estã0 in the Denmark trying to define goals to dribble the global heating. If you are following the notice of Green Technologies, already she must have noticed that the fight is incited back in Copenhagen. But, while the governing duelam its proper interests in the COP15, I have the philosophy (cliche, however valid) of that “each one has that to make its part”. To opt to green initiatives as this always is a good business in times of as many forecasts pessimistic for the environment.
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iGo Power Smart Tower
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic is, as the name already says, come back toward who tans a good music. E those that like it device, but have constants localization problems? For them, Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition gave
the faces.
Leaving of side the slogan You eat With Music and all the benefits of the musical store of Nokia, new the 5800 comes with another software in its place, the Ovi Maps with license for the remaining portion of the life of the user, with right the guide with voice. A porter of the cellular one for the car folloies the package.
For it is continues equal, however with a more sober appearance, leaving the tones of side red and hugging the ash. E if you are not remembering color the 5800 characteristics of XpressMusic, you leave a tip here of where to know on it in details.
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Nokia 5800

Since the HP in the last weekend launched its version especially butterfly of netbook Vivienne done Tam for the feminine section of the world, nothing as to start this Saturday being admired an earphone sexista super concept.
Projected for designer Chinese Fandi Meng, the earphone Bluetooth Volution, of 2,8 centimeters, almost it imitates the Saturn format. The small ball, in the center, has táteis sensors. Thus, to take care of a linking in the cellular one, it is enough to touch in this small ball. Immediately, the microphone inlaid in the end of rings of the earphone will catch its voice.

As it is a product concept, not yet it has certainty that it will leave some day of the paper. E, if to leave, will be that somebody will have courage to use it?
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The Asus finishes to present its version of Skype of hand: videofone AiGuru SV1T.
The device comes with a sensible screen to the touch of 7 counts with resolution of 800 for 480 pixels. With it was of if waiting, it possesss microphone and webcam, whose resolution the Asus still keeps in secret. The SV1T can be connected to the Internet saw Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
Although the Asus, in its official official notice, not to define the date of fond of the market SV1T, store online as the Amazon already vendem the product for 269,99 dollars.
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Videofone AiGuru SV1T
In the search for more unglued products and that they are commented in the more improbable social wheels, the HP a version limited of
its new notebook, the Envy will venderá, in partnership with the singers Dr. Dre and Stammering Lady.We believe that Envy in itself already was something well unglued, since it seems to be notebook that more he remembers the aluminum MacBook Pro, one of best laptops that already they had passed this way. E this for not only is in its ideal keyboard or the finishing of first, but also on the inside, since it counts on the two Cores i7 and shelters SSDs. Exactly thus, the HP wants more.Therefore, rapper Dr. Dre and Stammering the Lady singer will be part not only of the advertising campaign of the mark, but also launching a HP limited, baptized Envy of 15 Envy Beats. If you found the new Vivienne Tam fofinho excessively for you, this new Envy you must please, in a full black version of style and one soon red one in its carcass.The HP did not want to say to the price, nor limited quão it is, but we bet some fiches that it will be alone in U.S.A.
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notebook of the HP
Dell finishes to strengthen the family of monitors ST with two models that twirl videos in 1080p.
They come in versions of 21,5 counts (ST2210) and 23 counts (ST2310). Both have tax of contrast of 50 000:1, luminosity of 250 cd/m2, doors HDMI, VGA and DVI. The reply time is of 5ms and the weight is of 4,89 and 5,84 kilos, respectively.
Both already are being vendidos in the site of Dell for the price of 259 dollars, for the ST2210, and 229 dollars, for the ST2310. E, not, the prices are not changed. Dell really gave the biggest price for the lesser monitor. Stranger.
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Dell expands