We admit that, this way, we are fans of conceptions of products. They make in to imagine them a full future not so
distant of gadgets that they really can make the difference. It is the case of the Mag+, e-reader colorful of magazines of the dreams.
We also can say that our heart balances more when the conception is made by some great fish of the industry. Who made this trick of the Mag+ was the Bonnier publishing company, that it publishes reviewed as the Popular Science. What they had made was to place in images the idea of a digital reader of magazines.
Without any specification technique, the video and the images work much more with the idea of that something revolutionary in the way is possible reviewed them. Colored screen, multitouch, interaction never before seen with the substances… It follows below a demonstrative video of the Mag+. It can dribble.
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Mag+ can
The technology 3G can suffer a great change in few months. This if everything to walk well in the plans of the Ericsson, that

presented part of a technology that will raise the speeds in nets 3G until 42Mbps. The technology in question is an evolution of High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA), also known as HSPA+.
Currently, the HSPA offers a theoretical maximum speed of 21 Mbps, even so in practical the users gets well inferior speeds. About 10% of the operators whom they support the service had made upgrade for 21Mbps, according to statisticians of the GSA. To fold the capacity for 42Mbps, the HSPA+ sends given by means of two frequencies, while technology makes the current it by means of one.
Digital Olhar carried through a test with the telephony operators who offer to the service 3G in São Paulo, click
here and confers!
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technology for 3G
As the tactics of the Google were to supply its Google Phone the employees of the company, it was of if waiting that to the few the information

were leaking. After some photos and specifications, the three first videos of the device had been made.
The videos had been supplied by the staff of the site The Nexus One (yes, already a site only for the device and its new features) and are very fast exists e without many details. They show only boot of the device and its animation, but it is possible to have an idea on the size of the screen and its format.
To complete, the staff of the site says that he is with the device and this is the two only first ones of many videos. E we support the cause of the creation of more videos, certain? Test of this is that, while wrote this text, plus a video he was inserted, without many information, however again longer.
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Nexus One
The mobile operational system Windows Mobile, of Microsoft, lost the second rank in the North American

market for iPhone, of Apple, second research carried through for the consultoria comScore.
The study it took in account the May month until October of this year. In May, 5,7 million users of the ALONE one of Apple had been evidenced. In July, the number goes up for 6,6 million and, in October, it reaches the peak of 8,9 million.
Windows Mobile, in turn, registered 7 using million in May, fell for 6,6 million in July and recouped for 7,1 million in October.
Between the North Americans, Blackberry, of the Research In Motion, continues reigning absolute in the first rank. In this year, the participation of the platform only went up. In May, they were 12,2 million users, number that went up for 13 million in July and that it closed October with 15 million almost.
A new study of the consultoria it must be presented in January of 2010.
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Windows Mobile in U.S.A.
The EA Móbile has a newness for the fans of the family more insane person of Springfield. In this thursday, 17, the store online of Apple announced the launching of: The Simpsons Arcade, first game of a

marelinhos for iPhone.
In The Simpsons Arcade, up to two people they can play and choose personages as the Marge, Bart, Smooth Simpson and the chefão of the family, Homer. The game is an livened up history and has six phases and six chefões, as Wiggum and mayor Quimby, who can be loosers with the most unusual weapons that go since one skate until a dust vacuum cleaner. The game was produced in partnership with Michael Prince, one of the writers of the series, and the same conserves well humorado style of the livened up drawing.
Beyond, of The Simpsons Aracade, others two launchings for iPhone that they promise to bombar are Spore Creatures (adaptation of the popular simulator) and Need will be Speed Shift, sequência of the famous game of Need race will be Speed Undercover.
Spore Creatures is an adaptation of the simulator of creatures of 2008 that it very brings developed graphs well and shows to be a carefully developed game for the platform of iPhones. The game is having, however, the function to multiplayer.
In its Shift version, Need will be Speed searchs to better offer control of game, replays and more content to be unblocked during the game, what resulted in a game with better offered appearance already for iPhone.
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Simpsons for iPhone
Blu-ray Disc Association announced that it is ready standard of specification 3D for technology Blu-ray, what means that the Blu-ray 3D will function in q

to ualquer compatible television set with the system, independent of the used technology (plasma or LCD, for example).
Moreover, it will be possible to the videogame PlayStation 3 to reproduce games in 3D and to the existing base of Blu-ray reproducers to show the films with content in three dimensions in conventional way.
The specification in accordance with determines that each device and film in Blu-ray are capable to show images in high definition (1080p) for each eye and, the association, the complete specification will be divulged soon.
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Blu-ray 3D
The Bloodhoud Project promises to reach a new record c
MAC a supersonic car that would arrive the 1,610 km/h. Call of Bloodhoud SSC (acronym for Supersonic Car), the machine of six tons will have to reach maximum speed in 40 seconds, thanks to its engine with power of 135 a thousand horses, that is equivalent the 180 Formula cars 1.
In Bristol, the British team disclosed design final of the vehicle that will be directed in 2011 for Andy Green, recordista pilot who already obtained to reach 1,228 km/h with another car. The test will be in a track of the South Africa of 16 kilometers of length and that G in the 3 will exert on the pilot a 2,5 pressure of acceleration and about G in the deceleration.
The project is sponsored by the Ministry of the British Defense, that loaned two engines of the Lockheed Martin company, and by the Intel, that the computer network for the model constructed.
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Supersonic car
Nokia launched, in day 25 of November, receiver of compatible
digital TV with the Brazilian system of transmission, the SBTVD. The SU-33Wb model had its software developed for

Brazilian researchers of the Nokia Institute of
Technology (INdT), in Manaus, as resulted of the local investments of the company in research and development. With it, the consumer receives the signal from the
TV opened in the Brazilian version of standard ISDB-T.
The first one offers of the product will be disponibilizada in Nokia N85, due to its screen of 2,6 counts, that counts on technology Activates Matrix, that it provides better resulted in resolution of image. The intention of the company is to launch the device for Nokia N97 and 5800 Nokia Comes With Music, still in the first semester of 2010. The SU-33Wb also will be vendido separately, from the first trimester of the year that comes.
The use of the module of digital TV SU-33Wb is simple and intuitivo. To use it, the consumer will have to synchronize the receiver with the telephone, by means of the Bluetooth, and to type a password, and immediately already he can syntonize the TV canals. The battery of the SU-33Wb supports up to seven hours of use without interruption.
The special edition Nokia N85 with Digital TV will be available to the
consumers from the week that comes in Nokia Store SP and
virtual store e, later, in nets of the retail, for the price of R$ 1.599.
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digital TV for bluetooth
Dell, second bigger manufacturer of
computers of the world, launched, netbook Latitude 2100, with screen of 10,1 counts,
high quality of image, long cycle of life, resources of security,

webcam e, the great newness, sensible screen to the touch. The equipment will be come back toward the
corporative market.
In the colors black, blue and red, the model is light and with rubberized finishing, better to absorb the impacts of day-by-day. Netbook of Dell will be produced and commercialized in Brazil, with
value of sales from R$ 1.199.
The equipment is composed for sufficiently powerful specifications for its size: processor Intel Atom N270 (1,60 GHz, 512KB L2 Cache, 533MHz FSB), screen WSVGA (1024 x 576) LED, 2GB of Memory, lithium battery of 3 or 6 cells with Express Charge, Solid State Drive of until 16GB or HD of until 250GB, Bluetooth and local net Wireless.
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netbook touchscreen

The LG wants to conquer the millions of Chinese users of cellular with plus one smartphone. One is about the GW880, that counts on a respect screen and new queridinho of the operational systems, the Android.
Knowing of the size of the screen (3,5 counts) and having played little time behind with the Huawei Pulse, we can say that the Android twirling in one telona thus is very amused. E it still is in the format Wide VGA, with something around 800 for 480 pixels. E also rolls a camera of 5 megapixels, to follow the parrudo standard “smartphone” of the 2009 end.
To the Chinese, the happiness comes when discovering that it will have supported to the TD-SCDMA and the CMMB. Not, we are not speaking Mandarin, this means respectively that it will have access to 3G Chinese and the digital TV of the country. Penalty that they had not yet liberated the price for terms a minimum of idea of how much will cost. E the GW880 does not have tickets bought for none another market for the time being.
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Android in China
The next year will bring a great newness for the
purchases. Already it imagined to pay the products that you acquired or accounts even though, through the cellular one? It is this same that the Master Card, in partnership with the Living creature and the Itaú

Unibanco is preparing for the year of 2010.
The applicatory one if calls Mobile Network Gateway and will allow that the
users carry through transactions as to pay accounts, recharge of
credits, transferences among others functionalities.
Most interesting he is that the not necessary user to have account in bank to use the service.
Gilbert Caldart, president of the Master Card Brazil, said that the Country was elect to estrear the product, therefore presents a great market of cellular telephony and that she continues in ascension.
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Master Card
The South Koreans will have a happyer Christmas. At least, according to LG. The company finishes to announce the launching, in the Coreia of the south,
of a version of cellular Chocolate BL40.
The natalina version of the Chocolate of the LG comes with a new label, Black Label Series. The cellular one also incorporated a more powerful camera of 8 MP. Conventional BL40 has one of 5 MP.
Of remaining portion, what it appears, the new Chocolate keeps the characteristics of its next relative. The sensible screen to the touch of 4 counts continues following the tradition of the cinema with the format 21:9. In the question conectividade, it comes with 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
To leave the luggage of weighed Noel Papa more in the region, the LG also is promising more than to 4 a thousand dollars in prizes who to buy the Chocolate. Although the promotion, the manufacturer not yet divulged the price of the natalino BL40, that must arrive at Korea in the next days.
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Cellular LG Chocolate BL40
Foreseeing that the recess is thing of the past, Nokia decided to transform one of its cellular ones into a luxury object. It is this there, my friends,
device 6700 gained a gold bath.
Exactly announcing that she will cut for the half the number of smartphones in 2010 and after to launch cellular costing up to 20 euros, the Finnish company decided to show that she can be chic, making something that are more common to designers and jewelers around of the world.
Nokia 6700, a cellular one with some good resources, as a camera of 5 megapixels, GPS and 1,2 centimeter of thickness, gained in the specifications the following term: “bathed in gold, 18 carats”. The reason this to have been bred was very not well explained, but we believe the option ostentation.
To try only not to leave this being its main factor, Nokia placed in device one microSD of 8 gigabytes and a list of wallpapers “to complete the good appearance”. As it was of if waiting, it will arrive in “markets selected” in 2010, with price esteem of 370 euros, something not so nonsense close to the 300 euros esteem for the normal edition it 6700.
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Nokia 6700
With arrendodados cantos and this blue tone baby, of almost pra if to deceive with the Mobile Cinema DVD Projector. But although the infantile jeitão, the device is capable to twirl, direct of the DVD,
films in a screen of 50 counts. Detail: without the mediation of a TV.
Fact that extremely becomes it useful for those trips the inhospitable environments that leave until the children more adventurers extreme entediadas. The good notice for greenest, is that it comes equipped with technology LED, what diminishes the energy consumption.
But the empolgação finishes there. The device projects images with resolution of (míseros) 480 for 240 pixels and only 13 lumens. Good part of 000 the domestic projectors has 2 lumens. Therefore, in the distance maximum of it with regard to the wall it is of 2,4 meters. The adjustment of the focus is made manually by means of a toggle species in the back part of the device.
With these specifications, the equipment sharpened my natalina nostalgia to making to remember me a pipoqueira that I earned when it did not have nor one decade of life. It was of brincadeirinha, but, for joy of all my friends of the street, made truth popcorn! Well, the price of this combo of DVD and projector is of 259 dollars. I am certain that my pipoqueira was cheaper…
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Combo of DVD
Researchers had developed a new tool for security guard tests that use technique of rude force and forehead millions of words in search of the compatible passwords, using a system

distributed with hundreds of computers, in an arrangement of “cloud computing”.
The service shortens the time expense drastically to uncover a password, that of some days passes to some minutes.
The tool called WPA Cracker makes use of the power of processing of 400 computers. The service is paid and exists two types of research of passwords.
The first one costs US$ 34 and all sweeps the dictionary of 135 million words in 20 minutes. As it uses only 50% of the computational capacity of the distributed system and costs US$ 17. The complete research, in this in case that, it can delay 40 minutes.
If instead of 400 computers in a distributed system an only PC, exactly that equipped was used with a powerful processor as Intel Core i7, the minimum time to break the password would be of five days or more.
The tool was developed to increase the speed of auditorship for tests of penetration in nets WPA and the service functions against the Wi-Fi systems with criptografia WPA and WPA2, since that these possess authentication based on Daily pay Keys (PSK).
In the Wi-Fi keys that use the technology of criptografia WPA, the passwords they must possess eight characters at least and the entrances can use an enormous variety of words and phrases.
To develop the tool, the specialists had carried through a research of used specific terms for who manage or configure roteadores Wi-Fi. In the list he has words written with linguajar “leet” (for example, h4ck3rzz) and used common expressions for technician that finish turning passwords.
He wants more information on this new applicatory one? Click
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Wi-Fi nets
The Technics, an arm of Panasonic specialized in materials for DJs, arrives finally at Brazil. The first device of the line is
an earphone, the RP-DH1200PPS, directed to the professionals of music.
Following the classic format of the DJs, headphone has revolving mechanism, to facilitate the placed withdrawal and without causing many estragos. Another bacana detail is the handle removable spiral. That is, in case that it gives some problem, you it will not have that to play the phone it are or to lead in the assistance, is alone to buy a new handle.
In the hour of the sound, the RP-DH1200PPS has capacity of 3.500 kW of power distributed by the 50 millimeters of diameter of the phone. As the idea is the professional public exactly, the price of it is not so good for the common user.
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The Google liberated, more versions beta of the Chrome for distributions Linux and Mac. These versions of the Chrome already circulate in web and in such a way count on a significant number of users in the platform of free software how much in the operational system of AP

ple. A newness, however, is that now the versions receive the label `beta' from Apple and a guarantee more on the part of the Google of that browser operates of more steady form in the new platforms.
The company promises to launch new betas for Linux and Mac of the Chrome up to 12 of January and the year that comes, waits to improve the stability of the versions of the Chrome. For the time being, the commentaries around the Chrome for Linux and Mac are positive and indicate that the applicatory ones function in steady way.
The Google liberated the use of extensions for Chrome in the Linux system, but not yet it has nothing for the Mac. The available extensions at the moment allow, for example, to personalize the navigator adding subjects or including widgets to read PDFs, beyond other available resources already in the model for Windows.
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Mac and Linux
Motorola and the Android seem to have started a lasting relationship. Test of this is the emptying of i
magens of plus possible smartphone of the mark with the operational system of the Google.
While we wait day 28 to know the details of Motorola Droid - that in the truth already well they are known - the Chinese site Digi.qq.com divulged some images of a cellular baptism until then of Zeppelin. But they had only obtained to photograph it of coasts, we do not only know the reason.
What we know is that the site divulged some of its specifications. In the hardware, the Zeppelin would have a camera of 5 megapixels, Wi-Fi connection, has supported to the format 3G, GPS and Bluetooth. Others (good) specifications are its sensible screen of 3,1 counts to the touch with resolution of 320 for 480 pixels and an exit HDMI. But the great one possibly drawn of the Zeppelin is slot for two cards YES, one for GSM and another one for CDMA. In the operational system, it would have that smart Android 2.0.

Now, if it goes to appear thus for the world so early, does not know. For the time being, we wait the Droid to leave the oven.
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Android of Motorola