The YouTube developed a new form to visualize the videos of the site. From an modification in the URL, the user it has access to a new
page in which links of the related videos is shown dispersed in the window of the navigator.
To test, internauta must locate in the address of link the term “watch” and substitute it for “warp.swf”. The new page presents thumbnails of the dispersed videos in small windows in form of circles that become vacant for the screen. To attend, it is enough to clicar in the images.
The Google not yet informed details on the new system. Click to confer the newness here.
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The reply of Sony Ericsson to iPhone it arrives at Brazil with a certain delay, but in time for the purchases of the Christmas. Smartphone Sound
y Ericsson Satio (before called Idou) will estreará at the beginning in the brazilian shelves of December.
The Sony Ericsson appositive that its characteristics will make much success this way. Also it is not for less. Bonitinho has camera with resolution of 12,1 MP with xenon flash, technology of stabilization of images, system of face recognition and smiles, beyond geographic marking.
Measuring 11,2 for 5,5 for 1,3 centimeters, it comes with sensible screen to the touch of 3,5 counts, format 16:9 and has supported accurate the 16 777 216 colors. In the question conectividade, the Satio makes pretty - it comes with 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The operational system is Symbian.
The Satio also promises to be discrete. In case that it shows an alert telephonic call or at moments inapropriados, it you will silence the peak if to only pass the hand in the lens of the camera.
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Sony Ericsson Satio
Hard disks with great capacity for notebooks must still arrive in
the Brazilian market this year.
The model Scorpio Blue, manufactured for Western Digital, stores up to 640 GB in a record of 2,5 counts. Until the moment, this is the biggest available capacity in the market.
The data are stored in two plates, each one with 320GB of capacity, what it justifies its reduced size. The HD consumes 30% to little energy that the previous devices of the manufacturer.
The product combines algorithms to produce records quiet, possesss the ShockGuard technology that support shocks and falls and the IntelliSeek system that reduces the consumption of energy, noise and vibration.
The Scorpio Blue must arrive at Brazil in December and has suggested price of R$479,00.
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HDs of 640GB
The Canonical disponibiliza from this thursday, download of the Ubuntu 9,10 Desktop Edition, a version that offers a
service of Cloud Computing.
The update of the faster platform includes login and boot e more efficient
conectividade 3G, for example. The version still brings the solution Ubuntu One, a package of services in
computation in cloud, that the user allows to carry through backup, synchronization and the sharing of archives.
The Remix interface, used in notebooks and netbooks, gained the software of instantaneous messages Empathy - applicatory that it allows sharing of archives in video, text and voice.
According to company, internauta will have 2GB gratuitous to store its information in the cloud. It wants to make download of Ubuntu 9.10? Click
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Canonical launches Ubuntu 9
The Verizon already prepares plus a Android for its collection of Droids, with same it baptized. After Motorola and all its power, the HTC Eris will have
to be cheapest of the family.
For the information of the site Phone Enclosure for bullfighting and the Twitter of the staff of gdgt, the Eris will be one of the appositive ones of the Verizon because of its price. The idea is to make of it the Android most democratic of U.S.A., being cost 99 dollars in a contract.
What it is speculated on on its configuration is a Wi-Fi connection and a 5 camera of megapixels with autofoco, however without flash. For it are, the Eris it would follow the standard of the HTC, with simple format and bets in touchscreen, remembering the HTC Magic.
All the rumors indicate that the newness will have to be announced in day 6 of November. We will be on.
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Today, many people use
gold to invest in their money, because the price of
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Gold is one of the most valuable and reliable products you can buy. Although no country is currently the gold standard, gold is still one of the most traded on the world market, then you need to know where you can buy gold safely and make the investment that will change your life.
The new youngling of the family and Nokia, the E72, finish to give the faces in the Europe. In Brazil, smartphone already was homologated by the Anatel.
As we count, it has some months, caçulinha comes with a camera of 5 MP. With this, it of the one pedala in the brother oldest, the E71, whose resolution of the camera is of only 3,2 MP. But, it still perpetuates the tradition of ancestor, and he does not come with sensible screen to the touch. The newness is a micron touchpad.
The E72 incorporates a compassing and possesss fast access to the services of instantaneous message, as MSN and Gtalk. It is equipped with earphones of 3,5 millimeters and has supported nets HSDPA with speed of until 10.2Mbps.
The Anatel homologated the E72 in 15 of October, but, for the time being the site of Nokia does not inform when it must arrive at Brazil. But in the “Old World”, it is being vendido for 350 euros.
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Nokia E72
The newness of the Fujifilm not to lose the natalinas parties is
a small, full camera of megapixels and precinho more companionable. One is about a220.
The digital camera, that has the visual cliche of the small machines, has 12,2 sensor megapixels. To arrive more close, 3x of zoom optic. Its screen has 2,7 counts and it does not have to be a bother in the stock market, since it has 9,3 for 6 for 2,2 centimeters and weighs 120 grams.
Inside of that package of detalhezinhos in software, a220 has detector of face and resources for image stabilization. E it already is for sale with label of 399 Reals.
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Fujifilm A220

After it I exaggerate of pink and flowers in the first version of the Vivienne Tam, the HP it changed a little its concepts of fashion and disclosed, yesterday, in the New York's Fashion Week its new version of netbook. E, what it seems, the lizard decided to leave the cocoon.
This because the estilista Vivienne Tam, of this time, if inhaled in Chinese history “Butterfly Lovers” and fulled netbook of butterflies. The proposal, according to manufacturer, is to represent “love, freedom, independence and transformation” with the new device. Bonitinho it is, but, we go to admit, not yet is for in such a way.
Of the left for right: new netbook with the estilista a Vivienne Tam and a model, yesterday, in the New York's Fashion Week
If to follow the same characteristics of its ancestor half turkey hen, the new Vivienne Tam will have screen widescreen of 10 counts, processor Intel Atom of 1,6 GHz, 1 GB of memory and hard disk of 80 GB, beyond Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and two doors USB. But we wait that it has configurations a little parrudas.
It must settle in the American flowers in the spring of 2010 - that is, in the first semester of the year that comes. The prices had been not yet divulged. But, the Vivienne old Tam is being vendido in Brazil for about 2 000 Reals.
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Netbook Vivienne Tam
Dell confirmed the arrival of a new line of notebooks in Brazil. E it has 14 counts, increasing the Inspiron family.
Inspiron 14 has, in its basic configuration, a Celeron processor 900 of 2,2 GHz, 3 GB of memory RAM in DDR2, HD of 250 GB and integrated plate of video. But of the one to mount one notebook with processor the 2 Cores Duo of up to 2,4 GHz, memory of up to 8 GB and HD of up to 500 GB.The screen of laptop has resolution of 1366 for 768 pixels, that is, of the one to tan some films in high definition. E to enjoy of this screen, one drive of Blu-ray also is option in the hour to mount the machine.Inspiron 14 enters in the family being between 10 Mini and the Inspiron of 15,6 ". It is 10% lighter than Inspiron 15 and has 33,9 for 2,5 for 23,8 centimeters.The newness comes with Seen Windows HP and for it are has that one design already consecrated by Dell. Inspiron 14 already is for sale for the initial price of 1 999 Reals.
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notebook of 14 counts
The virtual store American ColorWare makes Sony if to feel when
offering sets of ten of options of customização for the PlayStation 3 Slim little creative.
The process is simple. The consumers, when adentrar in the site, choose the colors of the superior part, logotipo and the inferior details of the console. Made this, he remains to opt for how many controls he desires (each additional unit costs 40 dollars) e, he is clearly, to select in which tonalities wants to paint it (s).
By the price of 449 dollars more tax of delivery, the delivery of a PS3 Slim novinho and customizado with a control is made in two weeks, says.
But, in case that the customer lives in the United States and already she possesss the videogame, the ColorWare if offers to paint the part for 149 dollars. It is a good idea, even so let us doubt that the owners of the videogame aguentem the abstinence of catorze days, or more.
Who will not be interested in buying can mount its models and only share with the friends for a button in the inferior center of the page. To mount a part to its taste with metallic colors is, at least, amused.
The address for the console workshop is this here:
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paints PlayStation 3
The minimalismo, of this time, was taken to the extremity for the Japanese company
Thanko. It already is vendendo its MP3 Player Sports Micron, of only 1,6 for 2,5 for 2,2 centimeters.
With so miniature dimensions, the Sports Micron comes with an inlaid earphone and is connected directly in the ear. Although the regret 8 grams, it has capacity of storage of 2 GB and 4 GB. It can be connected to the computer saw USB.
The prices vary of 55 the 66 dollar, respectively.
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MP3 Player Sports Micron
iPhone cellular is unglued, bacana, a intuitivo one, has a sensible screen to the bacana touch. E from there? It has who likes that one physical tecladinho QWERTY. To join these two worlds, iTwinge in iPhone.The loving ones of iPhone more radical already must be with hatred alone of looking at for the photo. “It offends! They burn! They burn the keyboard sorcerer! ”, they say. They are calmed, noblemen friends. Beyond some citizens to prefer a physical keyboard that one apertadinho virtual of iPhone, the Mobile Mechatronics, producer of iTwinge, swears that tecladinho increases the speed of writing in up to 40% and reduces the errors in up to 70%. Tempting, not?Moreover, it weighs only 28 grams. Of the one not to feel in such a way the difference after to connect iTwinge, certain? That is, if you tan a Blackberry, a Nokia, but she wants because she wants one iPhone, of the one to give to a trick with this tecladinho of 30 dollars.
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physical keyboard