The virtual store American ColorWare makes Sony if to feel whenoffering sets of ten of options of customização for the PlayStation 3 Slim little creative.

The process is simple. The consumers, when adentrar in the site, choose the colors of the superior part, logotipo and the inferior details of the console. Made this, he remains to opt for how many controls he desires (each additional unit costs 40 dollars) e, he is clearly, to select in which tonalities wants to paint it (s).

By the price of 449 dollars more tax of delivery, the delivery of a PS3 Slim novinho and customizado with a control is made in two weeks, says.

But, in case that the customer lives in the United States and already she possesss the videogame, the ColorWare if offers to paint the part for 149 dollars. It is a good idea, even so let us doubt that the owners of the videogame aguentem the abstinence of catorze days, or more.

Who will not be interested in buying can mount its models and only share with the friends for a button in the inferior center of the page. To mount a part to its taste with metallic colors is, at least, amused.

The address for the console workshop is this here:

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