Peoplesoft Lead Developer :: Portland, OR

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Title:                Peoplesoft Lead Developer

Location:         Portland, OR

Duration:         9-12 months


Duties and responsibilities


·         Act as both Technical Team Lead and a developer

·         Lead both the development and support teams though the project lifecycle


Minimum Qualifications


·         5+ years working as a developer with PeopleTools 8.5+ and Peoplesoft Applications version 9.x+

·         2+ years leading PeopleSoft development teams

·         Strong Peoplecode, Application Engine, Component Interface skills

·         Strong SQL and relational database knowledge using Oracle 11g


PeopleSoft Domain Knowledge

·         AP/AR/GL




John Scoffield || i28 Technologies Corporation ||

200 Middlesex Essex TPK || Iselin || NJ || 08830 ||

Phone: 732-603-1479 || || ||


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