New job - ESB Developer - Phone-hire - Culver City- California

A new Job, ID: 44441 was added at - For the Best Tech Jobs in Town

Title:  ESB Developer  posted on 2013-10-02 11:15:21

Job Description:Bachelor's degree in Business, Computer Science or equivalent with 6+ years of IT experience
5+ years of experience integrating through SOA ESB, or Fuse ESB, Apache Service Mix, Apache Camel or comparable EAI environments.
5+ years of experience developing object-oriented, web-based consumer applications in a Java/J2EE 3-tier environment using technologies such as, JDK 1.5 or 6, JQuery, JSP, JSTL, Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, iText, Apache Commons
2 years of experience in JMS and JBoss Messaging, Active MQ.
Deep expertise in Object Oriented analysis and design, UML modeling, Classic design patterns and J2EE patterns.
Experience with Eclipse, SOAP IDE,Junit, Fuse IDE,Jmeter, XML, SOAP/REST Web Services, CFX and JBossWS is preferred 

Click here to view full job description and apply  (Guest users can also apply)

Best regards, - For The Best Tech Jobs In Town

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